California Young Reader Medal (CYRM)

"The California Young Reader Medal (CYRM) program encourages recreational reading of popular literature among the young people of our state. Since its inception in 1974, millions of California children have nominated, read, and voted for the winners of the California Young Reader Medal."
We begin reading the nominated books in early January after the Newberry and Caldecott winners are announced. Here at Indian Valley grades K-5 will hear and vote on the 5 nominated books in the Primary Category. Grades 3-5 will also hear and vote on the 3 nominated books in the Picture Books for Older Readers category. Students in grades 4 & 5 have the option of reading and voting on the 3 books nominated in the Intermediate Category. To be eligible to vote in this category the student must read all three of the nominees (can be read to as well) then take and pass a quiz on the book. All students who participate in this category are invited to join the librarian for a pizza lunch and voting in the library. Voting takes place in late March with all votes submitted by April 1st. Winners are announced in May. 
How are books nominated?
Books may be recommended for nomination by children, young adults, educators, librarians, parents or anyone who works with young people and books. Books must meet the following criteria to be considered for nomination:
  • Must have strong appeal for the age group for which the recommendation is made.
  • Often read or requested by children and/or young adults.
  • Published within the previous four (4) years and is still in print.
  • Written by an author who is still living.
  • An original work of fiction available in the English language

Any student, teacher, staff member or parent interested in recommending a book for nomination should see the librarian for a recommendation form. Recommendations must be postmarked NO LATER THAN APRIL 1st.