• Soul Shoppe LogoIntroducing
    Soul Shoppe
    Soul Shoppe has been working actively in schools for the last six years.  Created by founders Joseph Savage and Vicki Abadesco, seasoned educators with over 30 years of experience working with youth and adults, Soul Shoppe provides interactive programs that teach students important skills to support them through life, both academically and emotionally. 
    The skills taught in Soul Shoppe focus on problem-solving, conflict resolution, creating a community of learning and growth, and defining and internalizing the character traits that create great communities and citizens. 
    In September 2009, 30 students (grades 3-5) learned how to support their student peers in resolving conflicts in and out of the classroom as part of Soul Shoppe’s Peace Program.  The Peacemakers received a four-part leadership training where they learned communication tools and conflict resolution skills.
    Throughout the year, we will have workshops for each grade level focused on a particular character trait.  We start with Respect and Responsibility as the foundation. We encourage parents and families to check out these monthly workshops and learn with us. All workshops are held in the Library:
    For more information about Soul Shoppe go to the Parent Resource page or visit the Soul Shoppe websiteYou can also call Soul Shoppe at 415/334-0463.
Last Modified on March 19, 2010