• Welcome to WCI English 8!


    Brittany Earl, Julianna Freed, Susie Reisfelt

    Students in English 8 can look forward to a year of being immersed in literature and writing, speaking and listening, and collaboration. They will read grade-level-appropriate complex texts with teacher support, and reading-level-appropriate novels independently. They will learn the art of argument and speech, and to be info-savvy and tech-savvy. They will write like crazy!
        Eighth grade English students will develop their vocabulary and critical thinking skills; they will innovate, create, ‘publish’ and reflect on their ‘genius’; and they will develop, practice, and reflect on strength of character and social responsibility. This is a year full of rigorous and engaging curriculum that encourages grit, zest, self-control, optimism, gratitude, social intelligence, and curiosity!
       Ms. Freed, Mrs. Reisfelt, and Ms. Earl each have unique classes and assignments that they are excited to share with their English students!  Each of us will share our specific class websites with students so that they have personalized support specific to their classroom and teacher.  By the end of the 8th grade year, all of our students will all be readers and writers who are ready to be critical thinkers and learners in high school.
    Our journeys are unique, 
    but the destination is the same!
    All ELA 8 students at WCI work through the same California Common Core State Standards by way of the WCSD adopted curriculum: Teachers College Reading and Writing Units of Study.  Each class completes their work within these units in a different order and in different ways.

    For more specific curriculum details, and information about the workshop model, please visit our full WCI English 8 website at:  https://wcienglish8.shutterfly.com/