August 27-August 31

Monday: Complete the classwork.  "Passengers" Compare primary documents of passenger lists of two ships going to two different colonies in the New World.  Make sure you have detailed answers for the two questions.   Include details as evidence to support your analysis.  


Tuesday: Chapter 1 Section 3 notes.  Take notes as you read this section.  On Thursday you will take an open note quiz on this section.


Wednesday: Continue taking notes on Chapter 1 section 3.  


Thursday: Open notes quiz today in class.  For Homework finish the Colonial Map by black lining your name of each colony and coloring in the three regions.  This does not have to be fancy or pretty, just clear.


Friday: School is over at 12:47.  Please still come prepared to learn with necessary supplies.  The colonial map is due.  You will go to each period and there will be a mix of academic and character curriculum.  Mr. Hurd will be at a funeral and you will have a substitute, Ms. Giotta.