September 10-14

Monday  We start our RAFTS writing: Letter Home from the Colonies to Europe

Over three days at home and in class you will write a letter home as if you are a colonist who has arrived in the English Colonist.  You will describe where you live and why you live there to your pretend loved ones back home.

Assignment sheet

Outline Guide.   Try to finish this tonight.  Come in to class on Tuesday with questions.

Tuesday  Write your first draft tonight.  Pay close attention to the outline and the rubric.  Don't worry about grammar and spelling, just get your ideas on paper from the outline.  The ideas get you the big points.  Grammar and Spelling are not worth as much.


Peer editing sheet  Revise your work in class.  

Rubric  use the rubric to check over your draft.  Have you fufilled every requirement?  Make sure Mr. Hurd must reward you as many points as possible


Paper due today by 3:15.  

Tonight read Chapter 2 Section 1



Colonel Wells comes today.  Meet in the library