September 24-28

This week we focus on studying.  Please use your final #1 study guide to prioritize your notes from the textbook and other class activities. 

Take your homework reading from the last few weeks.  Identify terms and concepts that will be on the test by using your study guide.  Check your notes on those topics for accuracy by either asking friends if they have similar notes, re-reading the textbook or asking Mr. Hurd during class.  

Quiz yourself to discover what you do not know.  Iidentify  topics those that you don't already know and understand.  Use memory games, rewriting notes, making flash cards or quizzing your friends in order to make stronger connections in your brain with the information you still don't know.

Use all three nights before the exam to do this process correctly.  On Wednesday night fill in a 3X5 card on one side.  You will be allowed to use this during the exam, but you will give it to Mr. Hurd by the end of the test.

Unit Final Study Guide