Homework Jan 14-18

This week is the end of our unit.

In class students will finish their Native American Resistance and Removal project.  We will then view portions of the film "Little Big Man"

On Thursday and Friday we will have our two part final.  Thursday students will get 8 scenarios about people living in different portions of the United States.  By reading about each person and where they live, the student will match the scenario to one portion of the Growth Map.

Example:  You are a mountain man who traps beavers in mountains on the Pacific Coast and sells the fur pelts back to the East .  President Polk has just made a deal with the British Empire and now you live in the United States officially.

Answer: Oregon Treaty of 1846


On Friday is another short section.   This time students will be given 8 images.  They will choose 5 of them and identify how they fit into the Westward Expansion of the United States and the studies of our unit.


For example there may be an image of the orignal flag of the Bear Flag Revolt in California.  If the student chose that image, they would identify the flag and then explain how the revolt was part of the Mexican American War.


Next week is a short week of four days.  We will be starting our Economics Unit by studying Adam Smith and the basics of Capitalism.