Presidents Project detailed instructions and expectations

Detailed requirements


  1. Roles and Responsibilities Handout: 25 points

This two page handout should be completed with your president’s information. I will make copies of your handout and everyone in the class will get a copy.


This handout should include the following information:

  • President’s name
  • Years he was in office
  • 3 sections of bullet notes about the economic problems and strengths, changes in culture and society, and political issues. Include facts about the president’s time period or era, not just their term in office. In other words, explain what was going on at the time he was elected or before he was president.
  • A chart that identifies and explains at least 4 challenges or issues he faced. Connect these challenges or issues to as many of the presidential roles as you can apply.  One challenge or issue may apply to several roles.
  • One quote from a speech, writing or public statements given by the president while in office.  The quote should relate to one of the challenges. 
  • One quote from a historian or author about the president’s legacy. You will choose a good sentence while you are researching your president.  Look for a summary statement about their quality as a leader.
  • A short paragraph identifying 3 roles or duties the president most effectively fulfilled.


The handout should also have a great layout so that it is easy to read and attractive to your peers.  Use a clear font, a clean layout, a bold title and a few pictures and graphics.


  1. Oral Advocacy: 25 points Using a presentation program such as a Google presentation, you and your partner will have up to 10 minutes to argue why your president fulfilled the duties of the presidency better than any other president during the 19th Why was he so effective?


This is your presentation in front of the class. Your presentation should include the following:

  • Pictures, photographs, charts, graphs and short phrases.
  • Background information about the country at the time he was elected.
  • Challenges the president faced (describe challenges and what role of the presidency was involved)
  • Clear explanation of why you believe he did the best job fulfilling his roles as president- was he a success or failure?
  • The class will be judging your president’s performance based the roles of the presidency
  • Remember you are trying to make a case in support of your president – so you need evidence, examples, explanations of complicated terms and counterarguments to explain his failures.
  • You will still present if your partner is absent. Be ready.

Your presentation will be graded on your volume, tone, comfort with the topics, design of the slides so that they are in a large, clear font with not too much information per slide. 


  1. Individual Assessment: As an individual, you will be assessed through an in class assignment about how your president fulfills the duties of the presidency better than any other president during the 19th



  1. A bibliography or works cited page is required that combines all the sources you used for both your presentation. com, Yahoo answers and other non-academic websites without proper authorship or references will hurt your grade.  If you must use Wikipedia, make sure you check their referenced website sources.


You may use a bibliography generator online, such as Easybib.  Remember it is a tool, but you are the one in control of the information. Required: three sources; at least one of them a non-electronic source; MLA formatting.  You will be graded down if you do not type in proper information to Easybib and turn in a bibliography that has not enough information.  (if you bibliography has N.D. on it, that is not a good sign). 


  1. Successful, on task collaboration with your partner, to be evaluated both by yourself and by me.