Presidents Projects rubrics

Roles and Responsibilities Handout:  25 points


Teacher comments

President’s name

Years in office

Clear and accurate

Unclear or not accurate

Bullets about

Social change, economic problems, and political issues in the US in this time period.


Background information and timeline



Somewhat accurate

Errors were noticed

Very specific details

Adequate details

General and vague

Goes beyond presidents


Connects to presidents challenges

Not related to presidents challenges

Presidential duties/roles chart covering at least three challenges


Very Accurate

1     2     3

Somewhat accurate

1     2     3

Errors were noticed

1     2     3

Very specific details

1     2     3

Adequate details

1     2     3

General and vague

1     2     3

Clearly explained roles

1     2     3

Explained roles

1     2     3

Role is confused

1     2     3

Summary statement about the roles the president and if they were fulfilled


Convincing argument

Clear argument



Well organized




Good font and font size

Good visual images

Exciting layout

Mostly good font and font size

Included visual images

Layout is clear

Small or complicated font

No or small images

Confusing layout



Presentation Rubric


Teacher comments

Background information about president

Clear and accurate

Unclear or not accurate

Background information about the time period

Clear and accurate

Unclear or not accurate



Presidential duties/roles

And at least three challenges


Very Accurate

1     2     3

Somewhat accurate

1     2     3

Errors were noticed

1     2     3

Very specific details

1     2     3

Adequate details

1     2     3

General and vague

1     2     3

Clearly explained roles

1     2     3

Explained roles

1     2     3

Role is confused

1     2     3

Closing argument


Convincing argument

Clear conclusion

No argument nor conclusion.  Presentation ended awkwardly

Eye contact

•keeps eye contact with audience most of the time; only glances at notes or slides

•makes infrequent eye contact; reads notes or slides most of the time

•does not look at audience; reads notes or slides


•uses natural gestures and movements


•uses a few gestures or movements but they do not look natural

•does not use gestures or movements



•looks poised and confident

Loud voice


•shows some poise and confidence (only a little fidgeting or nervous movement).  Loud voice

•lacks poise and confidence (fidgets, slouches, appears nervous)

Quiet voice

Time use

organizes time well; no part of the presentation is rushed, too short or too long

generally times presentation well, but may spend too much or too little time on a topic,

uses time poorly; the whole presentation, or a part of it, is too short or too long