Homework and classwork for January 6-11

Monday: In class we view segments of "Dances With Wolves" and discussed the Tribal culture of the Great Plains and their dependency on buffalo.

At home: Take notes on Chapter 9 Section 4.  This covers the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and their flight west, the Gold Rush and the diversity of California


Tuesday: Complete the Growth Map notes in class, espeically the Treaty of 1818 and the Oregon Treaty of 1846.  

At home: Complete the notes for Chapter 9 Section 4.  Perhaps there will be a pop quiz tomorrow.


Wednesday: Start this Native American Resistance and Removal group research project in class.  Students will be assigned a group and given pages in the book to read and take notes on.

At home: start the Growth Map short write assignment.  This is a long paragraph and will be due on Friday.  Look for instructions and an outline to help with planning on Google Classroom


Thursday:  In class: students continue to work on the Native American Resistance and Removal project

At home: Students should be writing their final draft of the Growth Map paragraph.


Friday: Students will share out their information for the Native American Resistance and Removal Project.  If time allows we will watch portions of "Little Big Man".

The Growth Map paragraph is due today.