• November - January




    Math - memorizing multiplication facts up to x12, models for multiplication and division, primes and composites, multiplicative comparisons and equations, and measurement.  I attended the SVMI math training two and six summers ago and will continue to incorporate those ideas into our new math program.  I am excited to use those techniques in our daily math lessons.  It is important for students to learn perseverance in mathematics and multiple ways to solve problems.  

    Language Arts - Reader's Workshop is a huge part of our literacy program. We are working on our non-fiction unit: Reading the Weather, Reading the World. Students will be talking and writing about their reading with partners, small groups, and me. We do a lot of modeling on how to create entries in their reader's workshop notebooks.  MEach week we work on a vocabulary packet that emphasizes word roots, suffixes, prefixes, and how to decode a word's meaning based on these ideas. Our current class read aloud books are  Extreme Weather and The Land of Stories.

    Writing -  We are using our non-fiction reading unit to help us with our non-fiction writing unit.  We have done a research report on the region's of California.  Now they are conducting their own research report.

    Science - Physical Science

    Social Studies -Explorers

Last Modified on November 6, 2019