• Student Resources

    When students in elementary school do research, it is so important that they use resources that are both factual and age appropriate. In the past, we have used various kid-friendly search engines. However, changes in one of the more popular web sites to a far more entertainment-based format has prompted me to recommmend the use of the Contra Costa County Board of Education funded subscription database, http://ed1stop.net as a most recommended research tool for K-5. Please contact Mrs. Jones in the library, or your student's teacher for the student username and password to use these resources.

    Groliers Online can be found by clicking on the "Research and Reference" tab. Currently, our district subscribes to the following on-line modules throught Groliers: the New Book of Knowledge (NBK), an encyclopedia for grades 3-5, Amazing Animals, and America the Beautiful (ATB), with facts about the fifty states.
    For the 2009-2010 school year we have added World Book Online, with thousands of articles, state-of-the art multimedia, editor-reviewed Web sites, periodical content, and more!

    If you child has enjoyed Education City on the library computers, it is available on the "School Help" tab.

Last Modified on August 28, 2009